Miyerkules, Enero 29, 2014


Are you given a task to write a descriptive paragraph? Do you know what is it all about? How are you going to start and end your writings? Now, let’s answer these questions.

Before writing anything, make yourself aware of what you are going to do? Determine your goal first. This time you are about to write a descriptive paragraph. But ask yourself, “What is a descriptive paragraph”? Do you know the answer? If not, continue reading.
A descriptive paragraph is a paragraph which has sentences that work together to describe and give a clear picture of a person, thing, place, or an event. It includes details that appeal to the five senses: sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing.

Now I hope that you know and understand what to do. But, how are you going to write it? Do you know how to start and end your writings? If not, continue reading.
 In writing, an organized thought is very important and in order for you to express yourself clearly, you should know where to start. Brief your readers at once on what they are reading, in short, at the beginning of your paragraph the topic should be stated and that is called, topic sentence which captures the meaning of the entire paragraph and it tells what the passage is mainly about.  Here is an example:
My friend has many likable qualities.

The second part of the paragraph is the body or the supporting sentences which provide details and information to support the topic sentence. Here are the examples:
He is funny because he is smart; he knows how to use humor to get his point across without hurting anyone’s feelings. He is also familiar with how to use humor to motivate people and how to get people to agree with him.
He is kind hearted.  He is very thoughtful and friendly to everyone. He never puts people down and cares about others before himself.
He is trustworthy and honest the most important thing I like about my friend is that I know that he would never turn his back on me or my family. He won’t lie to me

The last sentence in the paragraph is the concluding sentence which shows the readers that your paragraph is finished. You can write your conclusion in different ways such as you can summarize the paragraph, give you final thoughts or personal opinion or restate the claim in the topic sentence. Here is an example:
I feel very lucky to have someone like my friend because I can count on him in many ways. I have learned how to treat other people better through watching him, and he has shown me what it means to be honest and trustworthy.

In writing not only a descriptive paragraph but any kinds, you should make each of your lines or ideas organize by following all the parts and by determining your goals.


A classroom is a room for mutual relationship, improvement and discovery that’s why it should take a well-managed classroom to meet these qualities. But what a classroom should compose of, to make it a room of improvement, mutual relationship and discovery?
        A classroom contains students with justifiable rules and regulations in mind that make them behave in a proper way; with a positive working relationship and with acceptance of the different diversity.

        A classroom has a fair leader, a teacher who is well-trained about the principles of teaching and knowledgeable about the multiple intelligences of the students.

        A classroom has the useful materials for improvements of skills and knowledge learned from one another.

        A classroom has a proper atmosphere that makes each student discover things freely.

        A classroom is not built for you to make it a hangout and waste your time until you graduated but built to offers you things that can make you a better person and ways on how you can improve your abilities and talents.


Why do you need to give importance to education? How does it change your life? How does it affect your beliefs?
        Giving importance to your education is like giving importance to what God gave you, your ability to think, see the whole world, and your wonderful life because you use His gifts in good ways.
        Education molds you into what you want to be or into what you should be. It can change your life in a way that you can manipulate your future because you are educated; you have the capabilities such as you have knowledge, money and the authority to follow yourself.

        Believing that education is the basis of having a better life is essential because it makes you see how hard to live without knowledge, without a stable job, and without the confidence to face any trials in life.
        Education is applicable to everyone. Pursue it! It’s limitless! It’s an untouchable wealth. It’s a must.



        My teacher is not just an educator but different persons because she’s an impersonator, like she is sometimes my friend, my counselor and most of the time my mother. 

My teacher is like a friend to me, I share to her who my crushes are and the kilig moments as well that sometimes make her say “OMG!” with a big smiley lips. She’s really like a teenager who understands how I feel.

My teacher is like a counselor to me, I tell her all my problems and ask for solution. I’ve never been wrong of consulting her because she never failed on giving me fair pieces of advice. She’s really like my own self whose concern about how I feel.
My teacher is like a mother to me. She knows the things that I won’t tell to anybody even to myself because she’s really like my heart and mind who knows how I feel.

That's how I want each of my future students see me aside from being an educator, a friend, counselor and a mother.


When you love a person who is insensitive, selfish and unfaithful it doesn’t mean you’re stupid because loving someone without forcing to be loved back is not the act of stupidity but the act of honesty, sincerity and naturalism. 
Always bear in mind that love is not teachable, your heart is uncontrollable but your mind is teachable and controllable which functions the way your heart does that pushes you to do things that may put you down, pushes you to think unreasonable ideas and pushes you to become not you. And these result to stupidity because you are thinking and doing things you exactly know wrong.

        It’s a matter of choosing one that weigh bigger.